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The Practice

Zurich Plastics is a brand new health and beauty clinic that offers top-tier treatments and procedures to its elite client base. The clinic itself offers a wide range of health and beauty services that include the most popular minimally invasive treatments as well as elaborate surgical procedures, all of which fall in line with the brand’s concept of simplicity: less yields more. The core incentive of the clinic is to constantly provide patients with innovative, advanced and contemporary solutions and medical grade treatments paired with reasonable prices, that help them reach that level of perfection that they seek.

The clinic’s founder and Board Certified Plastic Surgeon is Konstantinos Jiouchas, a well respected doctor who has built a name for himself via his work that evokes patient trust and loyalty.

Zurich Plastics harmonious precision
Greek aesthetics, German quality and Swiss precision.
FMH Swiss Medical Association
German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
Medical Society of the Canton of Zurich
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